Relationship Recovery

A free community outreach program
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About us

Our program has been in place at St Anne Catholic Church in Grants Pass since Sept 1989. It started with a few people who were divorced or widowed and found that they needed something to help them move on with their lives.

Carole Shaw was one of those pioneers. Someone needed to take the reins and she volunteered. Carole guided this program from its inception until her death in January of 2018.

The program has evolved over time. It is now an 8-month program with several different classes (Support/Transition, Boundaries and Rebuilding).

We found that there was a great need for a program to help people in all kinds of circumstances to be able to take their present circumstances and use it as a springboard to grow and to transform their lives.

Our program has included people who never married, who have had a series of unsuccessful relationships, who are happily and unhappily married and who are divorced, widowed or separated or because of another loss in their lives. As you can see, people enter the program for many reasons. Sometimes they just feel lost and want a path through the pain.